Whether you think “everything happens for a reason” or not, this post will hopefully give you the understanding that when you look back on things in your life there is a always a lesson to be learned hidden inside its meaning.
What I mean by that is when you feel crap about something that has happened, or something has gone wrong in your life then there is always a reason for that.
I will justify this more using examples from my life below, so you can get a better understanding in a minute.
What generally happens is we tend to react to things rather than having moments of clarity which allow us to think about situations in the proper way.
This then leads us to believe that the things that happen to us are negative, rather than waiting to see what walks through the door instead.
There are exceptions to this obviously regarding, sickness and deaths but in general there is always a reason behind why everything happens for a reason in life.
When you are living for yourself in life, you are able to more easily comprehend things and use them to your advantage whilst staying positive when bad things tend to happen.
Adopting this positive nature in life also allows you to live a fulfilled life and you do learn how to be happier in life as a consequence of this too.

So let me go through the examples below on why I believe everything happens for a reason in life.
My Life Experience On Things Happen For A Reason In Life
- My parents got divorced when I was 12 and my mum moved out of the house. I was devastated and stayed with my dad – If this hadn’t have happened though I would not be the person I am today as a result of having to grow up quickly
- My mum became sick when I joined the army – It meant I had to leave as a result and look after her and go to college instead.
- I got kicked out of college because I wasn’t very educate able and just dossed around – this lead me to getting a job as a junior estate agent. Which was also the first step on my journey learning how to be successful in life.
- My parents moved and I had to move with them and so I had to start again in a new place – This led me to getting a job as a Junior Insurance Broker, which then lead to me managing my own branch as I used the law of attraction to manifest my dream life.
- I got made redundant from this job and was heart broken – This lead to me then getting a job as a Trainer for Insurance Software which I loved.
- Got made redundant from this job too and was heart broken again. But seeing how I knew everything does happen for a reason, I chose to accept it – this led me to going to college and getting qualified and also moving to Reading to be with my partner and go through University together.
- Got kicked out of University for bumming around again as I was Djing, Weds, Thurs, Frid, Sat nights and working at a computer shop during the day to pay the bills – This led me to working at the computer shop full time.
- Left the computer shop and moved back home with my mum as the Computer place couldn’t give me a pay rise and Reading was really expensive – This led me to moving back and getting an amazing job with a great salary in the computer industry.
- Got married and had kids and life was great for quite a while – Then I got divorced and my ex moved my kids 300 miles away – I was devastated and had a break down at this point. But again things do happen for a reason and I had to accept this, even though I didn’t why this time it had happened.
- Met someone else and got married again – Things were good again and we bought our dream home together and had a beautiful daughter. My wife was kept in hospital because she had help syndrome and my daughter was breached. She was put under to have cesarean section so I wasn’t there at the birth and she was kept on morphine for days so wasn’t even aware she had given birth – The morale is though that if my daughter was born when she was meant to be, we had the worse snow ever and would have been stuck at home. So I probably would have lost my wife and daughter.
- Then one day she said she didn’t love me anymore and left – This was just another stepping stone to finding now my 3rd wife who is just the most amazing and beautiful person I have ever met.
- Lost my job again – found a great contracting job that paid a hell of a lot more
- Lost the contract – found another more stable contract I enjoyed even more
I could go on forever to be honest with examples of why I believe things do happen for a reason but what I wanted you to grasp out of all of this is that “life is what you make of it“”. We can either take all these horrible things and feel sorry for ourselves and think that the World had a vendetta against us, or we can get out there and live life that is full of happiness and laughter.
When you stop yourself reacting to this bumps in life and see them as just another challenge that you need to get over then life does change dramatically around you. Yes you will still have blue days and not want to get out of bed, but take a fighters attitude in life and go out there and get what you want.
You really can have anything in your life if you want it badly enough and despite what anyone else, believe that you deserve to live an amazing life take things with a pinch of salt in life and just keep striving forward.
Frequently Asked Questions About Everything Happens For A Reason
- What do people mean when they say everything happens for a reason? – There are probably lots of scientific and psychological reasons behind this but my theory is that when you want to keep moving forward in life and live with no regrets. You cannot look at a situation and feel sorry for yourself if you want your life to improve. Living in the past will always bring you back to the same state of mind that put you there in the first place. A lot of therapy takes you back to the same place to find a reason behind things. Sometimes there is no reason, you just have to force yourself to move on and as quickly as you can, otherwise you will stay in sad place and cause yourself more damage in the end. We cannot change the past but we can at least choose to move forward in the future.
- Who said everything happens for a reason? The very beautiful and amazing Marilyn Monroe.
- Does everything have a purpose? Yes everything does a purpose in life. Everything is combined into our entire ecosystem in life and we are all here for a specific reason. You may not know what is the meaning of life in your particular instance, but you are here to do a job. You just have to find your purpose in life and follow it through.
- Do people come into your life for a reason? I believe that this is 100% true as lots of people have come into my life that have added massive value to it on numerous occasions. Some have come into to try and destroy what I stand for also but believing that everything happens for a reason allows you to understand that sometimes this does need to happen also. The important thing in life here is to surround yourself with people that love you for who you truly are and not criticize you for the things they don’t like.
- Why should I live in this world? A lot of people ask what is the purpose of life and especially when they are in a dark place too. If you can just find happiness in your life, you will realize that the darkness is only ever temporary and if you can jump back on your horse you will learn to conquer life in every way.
Happy Quotes:
- “Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is there to assist me.” – T. Harv Eker
- “Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason, a season or a lifetime.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves you.” – Tony Robbins
- “Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes that reason is to bring you to a better place.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t understand it at the time.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes that reason is to teach us a lesson.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason, and the universe always has a plan.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason, and often it is to bring us closer to our dreams.” – Unknown
- “Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes it takes the bad to bring out the good.” – Unknown
So that is it guys and as you can see I have lived a pretty interesting life and that is only half of what has happened to me. I also put together a free transformation program so that you can also learn how to live a happy life and accept that everything does happen for a reason, to be kind and be successful in life. Come and join me at https://changeyourlifeforever.co.uk for more information.
In the meantime I wish you all the very best in life Scott
- Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler
- Why Everything Happens for a Reason: A Brief Overview
- Everything Happens for a Reason: Finding the True Meaning of the Events in Our Lives
- Everything Happens for a Reason: Quotes and Sayings to Help You Cope
- Everything Happens for a Reason: The True Meaning Behind the Saying
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