Tips to be happy is the subject for today and if you want to learn how to be happier you will love these tips. Being happy really is a personal thing and it really is only you that can find happiness inside and all around you. Even if depression or anxiety strikes these tips should help you get by.
My Top Tips To Be Happy
- For anything that goes wrong in your life try and look at a positive reason of why it has happened. For instance, I have been trying to get my two boys to live with me for years but they were settled where they currently lived. Now we are living with the coronavirus at this time they have come to live with me and my wife because they couldn’t stand being where they were. They are now safe and we are all looking after each other and keeping ourselves positive.
- Try smiling a bit more. Don’t look down as you walk past people, look up and give them a smile and ask them how they are. Smiling really is a great emotion that can lift the spirits of everyone.
- Surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook on life. If you don’t know what do with your life then this changed is definitely something you should look at. When yo are surrounded by people with a negative view on life you will adopt the same behaviour so stay away from people like that.
- Happiness is a feeling and it is controlled by your own thoughts. So by telling yourself this is going to be a great day no matter what happens will stand you in better stead than saying it’s gonna be crap today, I hate work, I hate my life. Simply because the more you tell yourself this stuff the more you are going to convince yourself that this is true.
- Get out some pictures of times that really made you smile and laugh. Ring your friends and have a chat about what the good old times were like.
- Talk to people. We generally text or use social media nowadays and have lost the art of communication. We really need that social interaction to make us smile.
- Set a plan of what you want to achieve in life and go out there and do something about. It is okay to sit on the settee thinking, I wish I could lose weight, I wish I had a great job, when actually all you have to do it get out there and do it. Motivation 101 have a do it now attitude towards life and you will reap the rewards.
- Try using the law of attraction to your advantage. It really is a great concept of what you put out to the Universe is what you receive. You see when you are in a bad mood everyone around you will get on your nerves regardless of their behaviour. When you are in a good mood everyone around you will seem in a good mood too (well apart from the other other people who are in a bad mood).
- Stop worrying about things, if you are constantly worrying about things then you will feel down and it will be hard to stay happy. If you believe that everything will work out then it will. Try it, next time you have a problem, don’t react to it, take time later in your day when it is quiet to think about things properly. Then you will find the solution and answer comes along when you least expect it.
- Be sensible and don’t spend money you haven’t got. Materialistic things will make you happy for a moment, but the worry off paying stuff back will last a lot longer if you cannot afford. Financial pressures are one of the biggest things that will stop you living a happy life.
- Believe that change is the only constant in life and you need to adapt to it. In order to live a happier lifestyle you might need to change things, such as, if you are really unhappy in your job change it, if someone is getting on your nerves – talk to them about it, if you want a bigger house – work on a plan on how you can get there.

Happiness really is an emotion that you can control yourself, but if you have underlying issues in your life then you need to address them first and foremost whilst also learning how to be a happier person in general, otherwise life will get you down and you will stay unhappy.
Frequently asked questions about tips to be happy
- What are the tips to be happy – my tips are to put a smile on your face at all times, Ignore unhappy people as they may just be having a bad day. Don’t let others control your moods, especially on social media. Stay away from people who bring you down and let them live in their own unhappy lives.
- How can I be happy all the time – Jump out of bed in the morning and have a plan for life. Work out what you want and how you can get it. You are amazing and can do anything you want to if you set your mind to it. So just have a go, don’t be scared of failing as this is part of the journey.
- How can I be more positive and happy – Obtain a positive outlook in life. When things go bad see what the positive piece is before getting absorbed in the negative actions. We are all good at looking at things negatively, but when you really dig deep everything does happen for a reason you just have to understand the “why” it happened to create a positive change. Give love, spread kindness, give hugs and be nice to people and they will be nice to you too.
- How can you be happy with happiness – You are going to have down days, weeks, months. We all do, this is just normal, but the more you get absorbed into the unhappiness the deeper you go down inside it. Do something that puts a smile on your face every single day and be content with being happy. Happiness is a great feeling but you have to make sure that you have a life that is full of passion, rewards and a boatload of pats on the back.
So they are my top tips to be happy. I also put together a transformation program you can find here It is my story of my life falling apart and every step I took to live a happy and fulfilled life and how you can find happiness in yours too. So check it out and come and join me in sharing life, love and happiness to everyone around you.
Wishing you all the very best in finding happiness best wishes Scott