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What Is Life For Me – Life’s Purpose Discussed In Detail

What a question “what is life for me” or it could mean what is the purpose or meaning of life for me. Either way some people think different things about our purpose in life and some would say that our paths are already written and we are just following it, others will take the bull by the horns and craft the life they want or dream off. Which theorist are you?

It really is an interesting point though, as many of us do not know what life has in store for us or does it even have anything in store.

When I was a youngster I would never have thought I would have been married 3 times and have children to different wives (that is all another interesting story you can find out some more about another time).

I would have dreamed off changing the world for the better and becoming a game keeper in Kenya at one stage.

Things are so further from my original perception that working out what life has in store for me is still an ongoing process in life.

I am not going to concentrate on the theory of all of this or to tell you what your purpose is in life, but what I will do is give you my top tips on what living a purpose driven life looks like and how you can make sure that you make a life for yourself rather than having to follow an unknown certain pathway to nothing.

What is life for me
What is life for me – Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

My Top Tips on What Does Life Hold For Me

  1. Take life by the balls – The last thing you want to do in life is sit and watch it go by. Everyday is really fresh start and no matter what background or education you come from everyone of us is responsible for our own lives. You can succeed in anything you want to do, if you really want it badly enough to do anything to obtain it.
  2. Don’t be scared – Don’t be scared of life. If someone in your past has hurt you or not supported you then learn to stand on your own two feet. There is no better master of your own emotions than yourself. Once you learn to harness your own emotions and not let others put you down, you put yourself into a powerful position of just making yourself accountable. Then the only person in life you have to let you down is yourself.
  3. Have fun finding your why in life Life is meant to be fun, it is not meant for us to wake up every morning hoping disaster doesn’t strike, or just being generally unhappy with life. Each and every day we have an opportunity to live life to the fullest. It is generally only our own motivation and lack of belief that stops us from attracting the life of our dreams.
  4. Accept change in your life – Sometimes it is not ourselves that hold us back, but our surroundings, education, family or friends. Sometimes you need to move on from these situations rather than holding on hoping they will get better. In my experience in life, people who are down on life are really hard to get back to a positive place, unless they can see for themselves that they are responsible for making the changes. I have moved around the country so many times and lived in different places, each time having to make new friends. Yes it is scary at first but when you feel good about yourself and give kindness to others, you soon start to attract the right sort of new friends into your life. So make big changes and don’t be scared of changes.
  5. If at first you don’t succeed try and try again -If you are looking to find your purpose or your why in life, try different things. You don’t have to settle in life to being something in particular, a lot of skillsets are distributable across different skills. The main purpose is to find something that you enjoy, it makes you happy to do it in the first place and it gives you the rewards that you need to feel accomplished. I have done loads of jobs from estate agency, insurance broking, project and program mangement, shop assistant, blogger, coach. I am 47 years old and really only just found out what life has in store for me.
  6. Stay happy – No matter how crappy a day you have had, week, month or year. Happiness really is a choice. I have been to some of the poorest places on the planet and the people have always been the happiest I have ever met. They may not have much but actually when you look at the basic principles of life, we all just want to feel loved, be treated kindly and have a laugh. If you strip away all the materialisitic things then there is less pressure on you in life.
  7. Have funLife is also meant to be fun and you should look at your life as being one that goes on adventures, sees life and the beauty all round you and if it isn’t there then go and find it. Getting a stressful job and working all the hours under the son and not seeing your family is not fun at all. So whatever you decide on being your purpose in life make sure that it is someting that adds value to your life.
  8. believe in yourself – Believe that life can be great and it will be. If we all did something in life that we were extremely good at our confidence levels would be through the roof. Now on the internet however you can learn any skill that you want to so there should be no fears in your ability to do anything you set your mind too. No one else can actually instill confidence in you it has to be something you give yourself, by doing things and getting feedback and improving on your behaviours until you master something.
  9. Do it now – Stop thinking about what life has in store for you and get out there and do something with your life. Stop making excuses and saying I’ll do it when. When never comes and no one wants to be unhappy in life so just make a start on your journey to making the best of life you can for yourself.
  10. Always be yourself – We are all amazing in our own way and have your own special qualities in life. We can learn to adapt our thinking and behaviours but deep down we have our own thoughts and feelings. So never ever change for anyone unles it is a bad habit to a good one. Never let anyone put you down, just move on and hang out with people that appreciate you for who you are and then you can be comfortable that whatever you did in life, it was just you and not some other you that achieved it all.

Most Frequenlty Asked Questions About What Does Life Mean For Me

  1. What is the true meaning of life? This can mean something to different people but to me it means, looking back on life with no regrets, being content that I put my all into everyday, taking on new challenges, supporting my family, spreading love and kindness, sleeping contently every night, working hard and playing hard. To others it could just be to go to work and go home to a nice family and whatever it is that puts a smile on your face and a feeling of contentment in your heart if what you should go with.
  2. What is life and what is the purpose of life? Life is about enjoying it, having fun and making the most out of it. There is no need to argue, be hateful as everyone has their own crap going on in life. You just concentrate on your own happiness and everything else around you will fall into place. Staying focussed on what you want in life and finding a purpose that makes you happy so as above you can look back on life and know you gave it your all.
  3. What is life for you in one word? Happiness
  4. What is life, the simple answer? Seeing and appreciating the life that we have been given and the opportunity to do anything we want to if we want it badly enough.

So there you have it they are my thoughts on what is life for me. All of us are different and want different things in life, it doesn’t mean we are right and they are wrong. The key to life is spending it with people who appreciate you for being you and support you in your adventures no matter what they lead too.

We spend far too much time wasting our lives than actually doing anything to fulfill it. So if you need a hand a long the way, to motivate you to have a better life and change your habits then check out my transformation program at https://changeyourlifeforever.co.uk where I will be with you every step of the way to cheer you on.

In the meantime I wish you all the best in life. Best wishes Scott

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