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How Do I Change My Life For The Better

How do I change my life for the better is a question I ask myself regularly.

Because after everything I have been through in life I have realized that life should be fun and exciting.

The only thing holding us back is ourselves and those crazy thoughts that stop us finding happiness in the first place. 

So I am going to try and help you see how I changed my life for the better and hopefully how it can help you change yours too in the tips below. 

My top tips on changing your life for the better starting today

You have to stop the noise in your head and concentrate on one thing at a time.

If everything seems to be a problem then you need to just sort each little thing out individually rather than seeing everything as being the problem

  • Communication is key with everything. If you are not happy in your relationships, job, life etc. Then you need to talk to the people around you and not sit in silence. Most people will help if they understand where you are coming from, but they don’t have a crystal ball to recognize your unhappiness. Also talking might reveal that what you are unhappy with actually isn’t the problem at all
  • Sometimes you just have to sit down and look at your life and then dream and wish for the things that you want to change. Envision it in front of your eyes. I did an interesting  video on this topic you can find here
  • Change can be fun if you are in control of it. To look at your life and put a plan together and say I am going to change my image – move house – travel around the World and then tick these items off when you do them is rewarding. I wrote an article on not being happy in life you can find here for more details 
  • Sometimes we tell ourselves things over and over and over again until we believe it. Those things might have just been a one occasion thing but the mind is a powerful thing and only does what you consistently tell it too. Watch this video for more information 
  • If you can see the positives in life then you are halfway there. It is hard sometimes to look at negative things in a positive way. But if you look back on past events life is telling you that you either didn’t need it, it wasn’t good enough for you and that it is going to give you better if you stay on track. Read more on positivity here 
  • Live your life without regrets is the best way forward. We are allowed to make mistakes, we are allowed to fail, we are allowed to make changes in our lives, we are allowed to be free, to be ourselves and other peoples opinions do not matter. 
  • Never be too hard on yourself. Sometimes we punish ourselves for no reason, we blame ourselves for things that happen that are outside of our control. Everything apart from the way you think and feel is outside of your control. So be happy in you, make wise decisions, be truthful, honest and kind. Spread love and you will never have a reason to question yourself again in the future. There’s a funny video on spreading love here 
  • Which brings us onto the next topic. Have fun with life, surround yourself with laughter. Happiness is a feeling you are in control off and you may want to change your life but that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the ride. Spread your wings put a smile on your face and be nice to everyone you meet
  • Love is a massive contributor to happiness and giving hugs to loved ones and even strangers can fill you with joy and happiness. This is important because when you make changes in your life you want them to be the right ones and you can only think straight when you are happy
  • Thinking about changing your life when you are in a negative frame of mind will only send you down the wrong path. This is because you are paying attention to what you don’t want instead of what you do want. Mastering this one thing can change your life dramatically

I know that everything above sounds simple but changing your attitude can change the way you think about your life. After my 2 wives left me I have had an extreme turn around in life, I have been unlucky in love twice but the positives are that I have three beautiful children that I adore and they adore me. 

I was forced to make changes in my life otherwise I would have just gone down hill. This is the reason why I wrote my change your life forever transformation program that you can find here. Go and sign up and I will help you everyday achieve your goals and change your life because remember you are worth it, you just have to make a conscious effort to start making changes now. 

Wishing you all the best through your journey in life Scott

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