Diabetes is a disease that is usually chronic and will force people to make changes to their lifestyles and routine. The lucky ones will only have to do some light monitoring, take some medication, and watch what they eat. But other people might have to change the activities they can partake in, do things they hate doing every day and rearrange whole parts of their lives.
For these people, living with diabetes could feel like hell sometimes, but there are things that anyone can do to make diabetes slightly easier to deal with. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
Switch to a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
One of the most annoying and painful parts of being a diabetic is having to test your blood sugar every day through finger-pricking. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics have to prick their fingers, but things are much tougher for people suffering from type 1 diabetes.
While doctors will recommend that type 2 diabetics test their blood glucose levels at least once a day, this number can go as high as 10 times per day for a type 1 diabetic.
If you’ve just been diagnosed and don’t feel like pricking yourself or have been pricking yourself for a while and it’s getting tough, we suggest you start looking at continuous glucose monitoring, or CGM systems.
If you’re never heard of them, you can learn everything you need to know about them on the Making Diabetes Easier website. It is a great resource for all things related to diabetes and you’ll learn exactly what continuous glucose monitoring systems are. You’ll also learn the pros and cons of the technology, how it works, and who it would be better for.
Photo by Olya Kobruseva: https://www.pexels.com/photo/love-art-texture-party-6545623/
Use an Insulin Pump
The other inconvenient part of living with diabetes is injecting insulin. Only people who have type 1 diabetes have to deal with this, however. If that’s your case, then know that you also don’t have to use a syringe to get the insulin you need. You can always use an insulin pump instead. There are insulin pumps that will provide a low, or “basal” dose of insulin throughout the day and deliver what is called a “bolus” dose when you need extra insulin around mealtimes. The pump can use information from a self-administered test to determine how much insulin should be released or get a reading from a glucose monitor wirelessly. Doing this will eliminate the need for needles completely.
Start Cooking at Home
You will need to pay very special attention to what you eat, and if you have just been diagnosed and are used to eating out a lot, you might want to consider switching to home-cooked food. This is because restaurant food is full of sugar and bad fats which are all bad news for a diabetic. Cooking from home will allow you to have control over your ingredients and the way they are prepared.
If you don’t feel like you have the time to cook, then maybe you should try meal prepping. This way you’ll only have to cook once or twice a day and have ready-made meals whenever you need them. We also suggest that you put your grill to good use if you have one since grills have large cooking surfaces and grilling is one of the best cooking methods for diabetics.
As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do to make diabetes at least manageable. We suggest that you also try building a circle with other people who are in the same situation as you.
Cellulitis is a painful and debilitating condition to have to live with, and many people may not be aware of its signs and complications. So, in this post, we will cover everything you need to know about cellulitis, the signs to look out for, and treatments that are currently available for it. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.
What Is Cellulitis?
Cellulitis infection occurs when there is a skin infection below the top layer of skin known as the epidermis. It is usually caused when bacteria are allowed to enter the skin through a graze, cut, or dry and cracked skin.
The sit of the infection then develops the symptoms of cellulitis. Although the initial infection is not immediately serious and can be easily treated, it can become more dangerous if left untreated.
What Are The Signs Of Cellulitis?
Signs of cellulitis include hot, red, swollen, and painful skin. Although it can occur anywhere on the body, it commonly occurs on the hands, legs, and feet. However, it can also occur more seriously in the eye, turning the white area of the eye surrounding the iris to become red and swollen.
There may also be blisters that occur on the skin surrounding the infected areas, and your glands may become swollen due to your body attempting to fight off the infection. You may also develop a temperature and feel generally unwell.
Who Is Most At Risk Of Developing Cellulitis?
A few factors can make people become more at risk of developing cellulitis.For example,those that already have a weakened immune system that may struggle to fight off infections on their own. Those that have open wounds from accidents, surgery, or drug-taking. If you have already experienced cellulitis, then you may also be at higher risk of it occurring again. Those who suffer from conditions such as lymphedema are also more likely to develop cellulitis. If you have poor mobility or you have poor circulation anywhere in your body, this can also be a risk factor.
Photo by cottonbro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-black-skirt-and-white-shirt-kneeling-on-floor-4155010/
What Treatments Are Available For Cellulitis?
The treatments for cellulitis include a course of antibiotics to fight off the infection. The type of antibiotics and how they will be administered will depend on the severity of the infection and the stage at which you seek treatment. Antibiotics are usually to be taken for a week but may be extended if the infection has not completely cleared at the end of the initial course. Antibiotics may also be given to you to take in a lower dose over a longer period of time to prevent the infection from returning. In more severe cases, you may be sent to the hospital for stronger and more urgent treatment to prevent the infection from causing further danger and damage.
Are There Steps You Can Take To Help Cope With Cellulitis?
Aside from receiving medical treatment for cellulitis, there are also some other methods you can use yourself to help make it more comfortable and ease symptoms. For example, simple at-home painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can help ease the pain and raise the affected body part such as an arm or leg, which will help reduce the likelihood of painful swelling. It’s important to make sure you stay hydrated to help your body to fight the infection and speed up the healing time. Getting plenty of rest is also important to help your body save energy for fighting off the infection.
How Can You Prevent Cellulitis?
There are ways to help prevent the likelihood of developing cellulitis in the first place by reducing the risk of infection through hygiene. For example, reducing the opportunity for bacteria to enter the skin by keeping wounds and cracks in the skin clean. Keeping the skin moisturised and hydrated reduces the chance of skin breaking and allowing infections to enter the body. If you do have cuts on your body, then be sure to regularly wash them out and apply antiseptic cream. Covering cuts with plasters and the right protective clothing such as gloves or waterproof shoes also helps to stop bacteria from entering wounds.
Can Cellulitis Cause Serious Complications?
As cellulitis is an infection, if it does not receive the correct treatment soon enough, it can spread to other areas of the body, which can cause more serious complications. If the infection is allowed to reach the blood, bones, organs, or muscles, it can make you very seriously unwell. If you develop symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness and confusion, fainting, fever, or rapid heart rate, you need to seek emergency medical attention and ring 999 or go to A&E for emergency treatment.
Not being able to lose weight can be extremely frustrating, especially when you think you’re doing everything right. But, in reality, very few people understand how weight loss works.
Many myths are floating around about healthy eating, fitness, and how to lose weight, and some of these might be doing more harm than good.
You might also be making some subtle mistakes that end up ruining your efforts. Let’s take a look at some of the possible reasons why you can’t lose your stubborn fat.
You Think All Calories are Equal
Yes, if you burn more calories than you consume, you should eventually lose weight, but this might not be the type of weight loss that you want. If your diet consists mainly of carbs, even high-quality ones like fruits and whole grains, but you don’t add protein to the mix, you will end up losing muscle mass while keeping the fat.
You will get the dreaded “skinny-fat” look that no one wants.
This is why you need to focus not only on calories, but on the nutrients you take in as well. There’s one little secret about protein that many people don’t know. Protein actually needs more energy to be broken down and digested by the body than other nutrients.
It is estimated that around 30% of the calories you ingest in the form of protein will be burned in the digestive process, meaning that you can eat more without it contributing to your net calories at the end of the day.
Another reason why you should be adding more protein to your diet is that it will help you stay full for longer. It will also help rev up your metabolism as your body will be working more when digesting it. If your goal is to lose weight, about half of your diet should consist of protein.
You’re Skipping Breakfast
This is one of the most common mistakes people make. And when you think of the calories out, calories in concept, it makes sense. The problem is that your body may think that you are starving, and when it does, it will slow down its processes to preserve energy. Not only that, but you may end up getting hungrier during the day and compensate through bigger, unhealthier meals and unhealthy snacking.
If you don’t like eating in the morning or don’t know how to prepare a healthy breakfast, you should give meal replacement shakes a try. You have companies like Shake that Weight who make meal replacement shakes that are as delicious as they are convenient. They’re pretty affordable too and they will keep you full your whole morning. They have been specially formulated for weight loss, so you’ll get more than enough protein and all the nutrients that you need to burn fat fast.
You Don’t Take Probiotics
You may have heard about probiotics and how they can help boost your immune system among other things, but did you know that they can work wonders if you’re trying to lose weight? One study that was released in the Genes Journal found that people who took probiotics and incorporated habits that were beneficial to the microbiome were able to lose more fat than those who took a placebo.
This is why you should consider adding probiotics to your diet. You can use supplements or get them from fortified foods. Prebiotics are another thing you should be paying attention to. These are a type of fibre that the healthy bacteria in our gut feed on. Having plenty of prebiotics in your diet will allow these good bacteria to proliferate and overcome bad bacteria. They can be found mainly in fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
You’re Spending too Much Time on That Treadmill
One of the worst mistakes people make is concentrating way too much on cardio when they go to the gym. A lot of people think that spending hours on the treadmill is the best way to lose weight largely because of how awful, sweaty, and exhausted they feel after it.
In reality, you will get many more benefits from engaging in high-intensity strength training instead. You might not be huffing and puffing after a set of deadlifts, but believe us, they demand a lot of energy. Not only that, but focusing on strength training will increase your muscle mass. Muscle mass requires more energy to be maintained, which means that you will be burning more calories around the clock by increasing it.
If you’re going to do cardio, we suggest you try high-intensity interval training instead. It won’t leave you as exhausted and will boost your metabolism and will allow you to lose weight well after your session is over.
You’re Not Making Working Out Fun
Another reason why people don’t lose weight is that they only get their workouts at the gym. If you incorporate sports into your routine, you could get all the cardio that you need and it will never feel like a workout. This is why you should try practicing some type of sport. Team sports are usually the best because they allow you to get lost in the feeling of competition. But, if you prefer individual sports or don’t know enough people to participate in team sports with you, there are plenty of alternatives.
One of the best things you could do is get yourself a bike and do some cycling from time to time. Another great individual sport you can practice to lose weight is swimming. It is also a perfect activity to practice after a tough day of strength training and is great for people who have fragile joints and can’t engage in things like jogging.
You’re Driving Everywhere
Every time you go somewhere with your car or public transit, you’re wasting an opportunity to lose weight. Walking can help you lose more weight than you think, and it’s gentle on the body. So, if you’re going somewhere with your car, you should deliberately park it a few streets away from your destination and walk. You should also get off at an earlier stop if you’re taking the bus or the train. Consider getting into the habit of going for brisk walks from time to time. Not only will it help you lose weight but it will also give you mental clarity and help you sleep if you do it in the evenings.
You’re Snacking Wrong
Snacking can be a good thing when you’re trying to lose weight. If your snacks are low in protein and have all the nutrients that you need, they could actually help. The issue is when you snack on empty calories.
There is no reason to snack on things like crisps and sweets when there are so many healthy and delicious alternatives out there. Instead of eating shop bought crisps, you could learn how to make your own at home from sweet potatoes or plantains. If you like sweets, try to go for things like dried fruit instead. And, if you have a weakness for ice cream, know that you can always go for low-sugar frozen yoghurt instead.
These are all possible reasons why you can’t seem to be able to lose weight. We suggest that you take a long hard look at your diet and habits, see where you might be making mistakes, and make changes immediately.
Since the pandemic began and forced most of us to stay indoors, many of us have been experiencing feelings of isolation and a lack of motivation.
However, despite last year’s problems, we should still try to pick ourselves up and become better versions of ourselves this year. After all, even in the midst of an unpredictable situation, everyone deserves to be happy.
That being said, here are a few habits you can work on to build a happier and improved version of yourself:
Create a morning routine
Having a morning routine helps set the foundation for a productive day. Moreover, the predictability can allow you to feel more grounded. If you don’t know where to start, an article on Self suggests beginning with small habits.
For instance, making your bed encourages good sleep hygiene as you will always go back to a freshly made bed at the end of the day. You can also consider putting off checking your phone until after breakfast, so you’re not immediately bombarded with stressors that may leave you on edge throughout the day.
Don’t forget to do a bit of stretching too; it doesn’t have to be an entire yoga routine. Even simple movements can relieve stiffness and wake up your body. Everyone has a different ideal morning routine, so take your time to find which habits work for you.
Take up a hobby
While there’s no harm in sitting on the couch and binge-watching your favourite shows, it will do you well to take up an enriching hobby. Whether you’d like to try urban gardening or painting, hobbies can make your life more enjoyable while stimulating your creativity. If you want more of a challenge, you can try developing new skills, such as cooking or learning a new language. Just remember that hobbies should be enjoyable and not feel like a chore.
Make reading a habit
Exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body. Aside from relieving some stress, reading has a lot of other benefits for your brain — from improving your memory to expanding your knowledge and vocabulary. Even if it’s just half an hour every day, reading will increase your focus and help keep your mind sharp.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of giving your full attention to the present and accepting it without judgement. Gala Bingo lists the many benefits of mindfulness, such as minimising stress and improving your mood. It can be as simple as using meditation apps or even colouring books; the point is being able to immerse yourself in what’s in front of you for a period of time. That way, you worry less about the future and things you cannot control.
Be kind to yourself and others
Kindness is an interpersonal skill that leads to better relationships with others. Everyone has their own struggles that they may not show, so the smallest acts of kindness can go a long way. Kindness is mutually beneficial too — if you treat people well, positive karma will eventually come back to you. It may be as simple as opening the door for someone or providing honest feedback (as long as you say it in a nice way).
Self-improvement isn’t immediate. It’s a process that you need to work on every day in order to constantly better yourself. It may be difficult at first to accept the changes you need to make, but that is the inevitable first step to becoming the best person you can be.