Home How To Be Happy In Life Tips To Be Happy In Life

Learning To Be Happy With Yourself

My thought for the day today was about learning to be happy with yourself.

We can all achieve happiness in life, we just have to follow a few steps to make sure that our lives are full of love and kindness in order to get there. 

If you follow this blog you will know that I went through my own transformation in turning my life around into a happy one.

I also put a transformation program together so you can change your life too. 

It is a 60 day program that helps you connect your body to your thoughts in order to find happiness in life moving forward. So if you haven’t checked it out yet give it a whirl I am sure you will enjoy it. 

In the meantime however here are my top tips on turning your life into a happy one

My Top Tips To Live A Happy Lifestyle

  • In order to find any sort of happiness in life we have to first understand the way our mind works. In that everything we tell the subconscious mind it stores and pulls that information back when you need it next. So if you tell yourself you are not happy everyday then your mind will believe it. Therefore the next time you try and tell yourself you are happy your mind tells you that you are not because you are consistently telling it you are not happy. Once you understand that feeding your mind with healthy and positive thoughts is the way to go then your life will change forever. I did a video about this subject you can find here
  • Sometimes we just need clarity in our thoughts, trying to get through everyday life can be a struggle when your mind is full of sorts of garbage. Just like taking the rubbish out to be emptied every week is just like dumping the garbage in your mind too. Empty it and clearly think about everything in your life from a relaxed point of view
  • Learning to be happy with yourself means that you should not listen to what others say about you. Their opinion of you doesn’t matter because they probably don’t know you well enough in the first place to come to this decision. It is hard to brush off people’s comments but if you take them constructively and don’t get hurt you can sometimes use this feedback to become a better you. I did another interesting video on this topic you can find by clicking here
  • Being happy is a lifestyle choice, we can all feel down and we can all feel sorry for ourselves as that is a completely natural state of mind to be in sometimes. But it is only us that can bring ourselves back to the position of seeing life as what it is. Our lives should be one filled with love and kindness, laughter and sharing our thoughts with those we respect and can guide us
  • Never settle for second best. If someone in your life is not supporting you or nurturing you to become a better you then get rid of them. It doesn’t matter how close they are this type of parasitic behaviour will just keep you in the dark for longer
  • Believe that life can be better – look at it and see what brings happiness to your life and do more of it
  • Stop making excuses and just get out there and try new things, meet new people, try new hobbies, do anything that keeps your mind active and you have something to look forward to
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and smile. We are all special in our own way and no one should take this away from us. Once you find your special gift in life then you keep doing it and doing it until your thoughts are always on happy things
  • Retraining your mind in the way you think about things is paramount. Our education has a lot to do with the way we think from the way we are schooled to the way our friends and family bring us up. I did another interesting video you can find by following this link
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and personality makes a person look amazing in every way. So make your personality shine above all others and let people see the true beauty in you
  • Try and stay positive where you can and look back at the past as a learning curve. We all do things wrong in life, we are all wronged in life at times but your past should not dictate your happiness for the future. I wrote an article on how to be happy again here
  • Sometimes we just have to pluck up the guts and courage to get out there and change our lives. If we really want to learn how to be happy the first step is trying otherwise you will just sit there complaining you hate life
  • We live in an amazing connected World nowadays, find your tribe and likes on Twitter and surround yourself with people who think like you do. Quite often we surround ourselves with people with different viewpoints and different aspects in life. This is wrong we need to talk about our interests, our goals, our passions with like minded people. Once you do this your conversations and happiness will flow and it will add massive value to your life

I know it easy to say all of the above, but your journey needs to start now. Putting things off will just take happiness further away from you. My program is meant to be fun and I take this walk with you because I understand how difficult it is learning to be happy in life again. 

You are not alone though and like I said above when you realize there are others out there, that think like you, want to be with you and share your thoughts and visions. Then life takes on a whole new meaning. 

So if you haven’t joined the program yet give it a shot and make a promise to yourself that you will learn to be happy again

Wishing you all the very best in your future Scott

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Hi there everyone I'm Scott the host of the website and I hope you find real value in carrying out the 60 Day Transformation Program. I have mentored and coached hundreds of people throughout my years to look at life differently and ultimately live a happier lifestyle. Please feel free to share the posts if you like them and I will reply to any comments you leave too. Live life, be happy and keep smiling ;-)

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