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How Can I Transform My Life Today

The question of how can I transform my life has been asked a few times in my own mind over the years and I thought I would put some pointers together on how you can transform your life too. 

The image below really does represent our choices in life.

When our minds are full of a haze and craziness we often need to make choices in transforming our lives for the better and rising above the fog. 

For me my life has changed numerous times in that I have had to leave previous lives behind in order to find the life that I deserve and am happy with.

So my tips below are based on the transformation program I put together on changing your life you can find here and I hope they help you too.

My top tips on transforming your life for the better

  • Sometimes we get stuck in life because we accept that what we have is all that we are going to get. Life is okay but it is not really going anywhere and we don’t feel fulfilled. But if you knew by making small changes in your life it would transform really quickly would you be willing to make them? Recognizing that you can do better is the first step up on the ladder
  • Pick something in your life you would like to transform first and foremost. I had been working away eating junk and drinking too much beer when my wife left and decided to leave me. So the first thing on my transformation journey was to get fitter and healthier and I did this in just 5 short months. You can find out more about how I lost 5 stone and feel great from it in this video
  • Once you make one dedicated and small change it is easier to make others too. For instance I vowed that I would never put myself in a position of unhappiness ever again. That I wouldn’t compromise in life and that I would try and help others also to cope with these types of issues. By spreading kindness and love to others has really helped to transform my life into one that is just amazing in every way
  • We can do ourselves harm sometimes by not believing that we are worth more than we are. We spend time and give love to people that truly don’t appreciate it. Time with people that will never be happy because they are a victim to their circumstances. You have to rise above all of this and find your true self again and get back your own happiness. I wrote another article about happiness you can find here
  • You need to transform your life from time to time otherwise it just gets boring and you feel unfulfilled in life. Change is good and also necessary and it can be scary but so are roller coasters and people still go on them
  • Don’t ever be scared to fail, the worse thing that can happen is you make an idiot of yourself and so what. Those people that laugh are not the people you want to be associating yourself with anyway. Only ever surround yourself with like minded people if you truly want to transform your life for the better
  • Make a list of things that you would like to transform. This will allow you to work through it and tick things off, change it, add to it or take stuff away. But this in its own right will make you accountable for at least taking the first few steps you need to transform your life
  • Life is meant to be fun and you are meant to be happy. Don’t let other people steal your happiness. You are the most important person in your life and you need to run it for yourself
  • Try new things and new experiences until you find something that really floats your boat and you enjoy doing over and over again
  • Change your image – image is really important when you look in the mirror and think damn I look amazing today
  • Age is not important what you give to the World is and if you give kindness and love you will receive it back with abundance
  • Don’t transform your life with material things. These will not make you happy they will just delay the feelings that you need to change by distracting you for a while
  • Learn to love yourself again and who you are and what you have to contribute to the World. Find a new tribe and friends on twitter so you are having conversations with like minded people who get you 
  • Set yourself some dates that you want things to transform by. Doing this will allow you stay on track
  • Go all out with a belief mindset that you can achieve anything you want in life. You just have to have the tenacity and balls to grab life for what it is
  • Money is not a definition of happiness. Take this out from your mindset and concentrate on transforming things in life that have a true meaning or value to it then the money will follow
  • Find a job that you enjoy. We spend most of our times in life working so it is important not to be in a job that you hate. Moving jobs often is a good thing and expands your horizons, skills and will stop you getting bored
  • Overcome your boredom by always having a plan of where you want to be in life and where you want to go. This will keep your mind active thinking about all the glorious things you are going to achieve
  • Don’t listen to nay sayers they will only be jealous that they haven’t made the step to transforming their lives either 
  • Rekindle your relationships – often or not transforming small things in your relationships can bring back an abundance of love and fun to things

Yes the above sounds easy when you are trapped in a life that you hate and you just want it to change and quickly. If you leave it however your sadness will just continue and it is not until you try to change things and see the results that you will realize it was all worth it. 

If you are struggling to transform your life think about jumping on my 60 day program where I am with you every step of the way to help. Transforming your life can be done in as little as a second if you just make the conscious decision to change it. 

Wishing you the best of luck in your new ventures Scott

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Hi there everyone I'm Scott the host of the website and I hope you find real value in carrying out the 60 Day Transformation Program. I have mentored and coached hundreds of people throughout my years to look at life differently and ultimately live a happier lifestyle. Please feel free to share the posts if you like them and I will reply to any comments you leave too. Live life, be happy and keep smiling ;-)

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