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Video 16 Using Meditation and Yoga To Make You Happy

My 60 day transformation program consists of 60 videos helping you transform your life and this is Video 16 Using Meditation and Yoga To Make You Happy. If you would like to start from the beginning you can do so by visiting this link https://changeyourlifeforever.co.uk


Hi and welcome back. Hope you’re doing well. Okay, so yesterday we talked about morning and evening rituals. Yeah, So, I. Hope you’re adopting that type of stuff. Yeah. ’cause it is important And. it is one of the 60 steps to making yourself feel good. But today we were gonna talk about Meditation and chilling out and feeling good with the world and all that stuff. Yeah. So I was lucky enough that somebody bought me a birthday present a little while ago. Yeah. Because I tried to meditate and when I tried to meditate, all that happened was this crazy thought went around in my head.

And instead I was just thinking about stuff I put on nice music and everything else. But it just didn’t cut the mustard for me at all, you know? And I, I couldn’t sit cross legged anyway ’cause it was a little bit too chubby and completely unflexible. So that was one of the reasons why I started Yoga, because Yoga has been absolutely great. I love it. Yeah. I still look an absolute blank when I’m doing it. I still look awful. I still fall over, I still bang the ad on the floor and all sorts of stuff. Yeah. But actually it’s really fun and if you get a good instructor, it’s even better as well.

And the good thing is at the end of the Yoga session, like it, you lie down on the floor and put your arms up and it’s this beautiful music and you chill out and you just go into another world, another planet. It’s really bizarre, but it’s lovely. Yeah. So if you’re not doing Yoga, honestly think about it. ’cause you know, like when you try and get in the car and you, you’re all over the shop and your heads to get out and this, that and the other, you know, you’re not flexible enough to pick your weeds out your garden and stuff like that. And that might not be you, but it certainly was me. Yeah. So it helped me massively with that.

But it also helped with the mind as well. Just chilling out for an hour, getting out the house, sawing yourself out, bending, flexing, you know, there’s lots of beautiful women there too. and if you are lucky, there might be lots of beautiful men there too, because men are doing it more. And men, if you are listening to this video, I encourage you to do it to you. But the other thing was is that the birthday presents I got was this, it’s kind of like these crazy glasses man. And a crazy machine as well.

So when we’ve put everything together and we’ve talked about the law of attraction, visualizing, putting a plan together of what you want. Yeah. That’s what Meditation is about, being with the world. Yeah. And the great thing about these things is you put the glasses on and it’s light therapy. So the glasses, shine, lights all over the shop. You had the trip, your face when you get used to it, but you put your headphones in as well. And you can actually get lower of attraction CDs that go with it as well. All about positive attitude, you know, giving up smoking, driving problems, anxiety, stress, all sorts of stuff.

And in your clarity session for 30 minutes or an hour during a day, if you’re struggling to relax, then get one of these. They are a little bit expensive, but to be fair, you use them for an hour a day. you know, you

Speaker 1 (2m 59s): Visualize what it is, That you want and you will be able to visualize because the lights make pretty shapes in your eyes. And you’d be surprised, you know how active your mind gets about thinking about things. So if you want a new house, if you want a new car, if you want a new job, you focus on it consistently all the time. Combine that with your plan and you’re all good. Do you know what I mean? But it’s really important, that relaxation piece, really, really important for your sleep, for how you feel every day, how you wake up, everything else you’re, and I found that this was the best thing for me.

Yeah, the best thing for me. Just half an hour, an hour a day. You can use it more than That. you can use it when you wake up. You can use it when you go to bed at night, during, during the day, whenever it suits you most. The other thing as well is that like, it’s proven as well. Like if you take the strips off the front of the glasses that you can see then, but it helps you with concentration as well. So it can actually improve your mind focus and everything else. So if you’re doing exams or anything like that, these are really good to use.

So again, I’ve put a link below to the one that I’ve got, you know, check it out. See, see what you think. But yeah, mom, Meditation, Yoga, all that good stuff. Get in tune with the world, enjoy yourself, relax, you know, they’re all factors about making yourself feel great and feeling good. Yeah. So that’s the end of that video. Tomorrow we will be talking about why if the secret to life and happiness wasn’t a secret at all. Okay. So we’ll come back and talk about that tomorrow and I’ll see you soon.

Hope you well, looking after yourself, feeling good and smiling all.

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