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Video 15 Essential Morning and Evening Rituals

As part of my transformation program this is the 15th Video in that series “Essential Morning and Evening Rituals”. If you would like to start from the beginning you can do so by following this link https://changeyourlifeforever.co.uk


Hi there and welcome back again. So yesterday we were talking about stopping worrying. Yeah. And, and probably one of the things that I didn’t say yesterday was, you know, most of the time, like we said, with clarity, if you stop worrying about something, the solution will come to you. But it very rarely comes to you when you’re worrying and you’re fixated on it. And if I give you an example, it’s like it, you know when you lose your keys? Yeah. You lock them everywhere. Right. Could be right underneath your nose, but you can’t find them can you?

Because you concentrate on it too much. Yeah. And when you concentrate on, on things too much, sometimes you can’t see the wood through the trees. Yeah. So if you’re gonna think about worrying, write it down, stick it on a pad so you know that you’ve been worrying about it. Put it to one side When you get your 30 minutes of clarity and you have your quiet session every day, which I hope you are doing by now. And I hope everyone is letting you do it as well. Just have a think about that, that thing that’s worrying you and a solution will walk through the door.

Yeah. But never worry consistently. ’cause when you worry about one thing, it goes onto another, onto another, onto another. you know? And then that’s so conscious. Mind kicks in and you worry all the time about all sorts of weird stuff. So yeah, just write it down and then deal with it when you’ve got clarity. Yeah. But today it’s just about morning and evening Rituals that will make you feel better. Yeah. And I think we’ve touched on the morning ones really, because we run about, you know, dancing around the bedroom, waking up with a smile on your face, making yourself feel good, making yourself look good, you know, putting on some nice clothes, some nice perfume, some nice aftershave, whatever it is that picks you up in the morning.

Yeah. But when you wake up, be ready for the day. See it as an adventure. Yeah. Don’t do that. Oh my God. I don’t want to get up or feel tired. Because if you do the keto diet, like I said, you won’t be tired when you wake up because you’ll have all this energy and you’ll be ready to go. And that that is, is an amazing thing. Yeah. It is amazing. That, you wake up in the morning and you feel great. Yeah. I, I think I go to bed. What time? I go to bed about half, 10 most times. And I get up at five in the morning.

Yeah. Buzzing. Ready for the day. Ready for everything that’s to come. So if you follow what we set up before for the morning stuff, you should start to feel better. But for the evening stuff, yeah. You’re gonna have your 30 minutes or your hour of clarity session. Yeah. Your quietness, your quiet time where you process your thoughts. But then when you go into bed at night, don’t lie in bed watching the tv. Yeah. If you lie in bed watching the tv, your mind is gonna be off thinking about all sorts of stuff again.

Yeah. And you’re not given it time to chill out properly. So you may not be sleeping properly and you may not be relaxed enough to get to sleep straight away to turn that off. Yeah. Pop yard on the pillow again, this is another opportunity for quiet time. Yeah. Unless your partner’s feeling a bit risky, like isn and you are in the mood too, which isn’t a bad thing either. ’cause that’s good for you too. But just lie there and think about everything that you’ve done that day. Things That, you can give yourself a pat on the back for things that you’re grateful for, things that you’re happy with in your life.

you know, things that allow you to smile or plan the day tomorrow. But just get all those feelings, all those thoughts, all that worry and everything out your mind. I air spray Essential oils at bedtime. I do. It’s probably a little bit of a myth, but it does help you sleep And. it does, you know, relax you a little bit before you go to bed. Because again, the two things that we do the most is work and sleep. Yeah. So we have to have decent mattress, a decent sleep at night, a relaxed sleep, and also work, not hate work and enjoy work and everything else.

Yeah. But when we go to bed, it’s important that we chill out. I’ve got one of these, which is kind of like a Fitbit, ionic again, I, I’ll put a link below and you can go and check it out. But it’s great because with the ke ketogenic diet stuff that was, was talking about, I can keep a track on my calories. Excuse me. Now I don’t keep a track on my calories because I wanna lose weight to keep a track on my calories. So, I, make sure I’m eating enough. ’cause it keep getting thinner and thinner and thinner. And obviously I, I want to build muscle.

I don’t want to lose any more weight. but I want to make sure that my muscle is building. Yeah. And yeah, these Fitbits are great ’cause they record your sleep so you know how much deep sleep you get and how much rem sleep, how much light sleep, and how long you awake for for you the night. And you can really adjust yourself to understand, you know, over a period of time when you’re going into a deep sleep. Because the deep sleep is the best sleep. Although REM sleep, light sleep and everything else has the other purposes for dreams and quality of sleep and all that good stuff.

But deep sleep is one where your body and your tissues repair and everything else, you know, and it’s good for you. So it’s always good to have one of these. ’cause it will tell you as well how many calories a day you should be eaten. And you’d be surprised, you know, it’ll also, I’d link it to a set of weights. I’ve got scales. I mean, and when I stand on it, it works everything out and just sends it to my Fitbit. So I know that my body fat’s coming down, my weight’s stable, my water and my body’s all good and everything else. Yeah.

But for the sleep thing, that’s why I bought it really. ’cause I’ve used to sleep well, but since I’ve been doing keto, I sleep well as well because I’m exercising because I’m clearing my mind and my thoughts in my clarity session. But then also I night wanna go to bed as well. So give it all a go guys. Give it all a go. Anything is way of a try. Yeah. If you’re not happy, if you’re not sleeping, if you’re worrying all the time and you’ve gotta get rid of it, you’ve gotta be smiling. Yeah. And all the things that I taught you so far all build up to you being a better, happier, and more fun person.

Do you know what I mean? And you will enjoy life once you start getting to the stage where you are in control of yourself, your mind, and your thoughts. So that’s it for the video today. Let me have a look at what we’re doing tomorrow. Okay. So how to use meditation and hypnosis, but it’s not what you think yet. Okay? So it’s not sitting there cross lag going, oh, although I’m sure that probably is a great idea. I’m not too sure how many people would do it. So I’ll see you in the next video. Take care, be God, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

See you now.

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