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Home Change Your Life Articles Ways To Change Your Life

To Change Your Life You Need To Change Your Priorities

Life can be an uphill struggle sometimes and if you really want to change your life you need to change your priorities is a statement that quite often rings true.

Now this doesn’t mean anything more than putting yourself and your own happiness first and foremost in life. This is not being selfish but purely a means to makings sure that you are priority number 1.

I learnt this the hard way over my time and after some life changing events I put together my change your life transformation program you can find here https://changeyourlifeforever.co.uk 

It is a 60 day program you can use if you want to change your life by changing your priorities. But in the meantime check out my top tips below on the best way to start changing your priorities in order to change your life.

My Top Tips On Addressing And Changing The Priorities In Your Life

  • A great place to start is by watching this video I put together on why your own happiness should come first and foremost
  • If you watched the video you would find that if you are happy then everyone around you is happy too. But when life is getting you down then everyone else is affected by this
  • Concentrating on yourself is not selfish it just means that you are only doing things when it fits in with your lifestyle and adds meaningful value to your daily routine. Working out what life means to you is essential.
  • Life should be a happy adventure but if you are giving too much and getting nothing in return then it might be that your priorities need to change to yourself
  • Some of us in life tend to get walked over if we don’t have a path that we are following. We get lost and everything becomes a muddle so sometimes we need to make a decision about changing our lives and I wrote an article about this here I Want To Change My Life Where Do I Start
  • Some priorities that you can look at changing are listed below if you want to change your life starting today
    • Start saying no if you don’t have the time or the inclination to do things. It is a really hard thing to do but sometimes No is the correct answer
    • Start saying yes more to things in your life that could add massive value as you will get more enjoyment out of life
    • Stop rushing around to do things. In order to change your priorities sometimes having an organized list of things to do will keep you on time and schedule
    • Prioritize the most important things and difficult things first and foremost. Putting these off will just cause you more stress so take a DO IT NOW attitude to getting things done
    • Prioritize your life and get yourself on track with goals and ideas on making life fun and exciting. Do more things, find more passions and get out there and create an adventure
    • Prioritize your kids and your partner first and foremost. They will be the most important things in your life and need your time and commitment so they should be the top of your list for everything
    • Prioritize your jobs and what needs doing and when. Not everything needs to be done at once and something will and can wait
    • Realize that time goes very quickly so don’t put off your ideas or dreams, make these a priority because they will change your life in miraculous ways
    • Become organized with everything you do through good time management practices. Although it sounds boring following lists you will feel more accomplished when you start ticking things of your list
    • If you are not good at prioritizing tasks take some pointers on youtube such as this great video
    • Think about what is important in your life and prioritize your finances around supporting them. Such as booking holidays, getting xmas gifts early, booking weekends away. By planning these you will make sure that you have the cash and the drive to make them happen

All that sounds easy doesn’t it? But prioritizing everything in order to change your life is essential. Otherwise we just seem to have a load of things to do all the time and never seem to get through it.

Organizing yourself is something that some people are great at however but others really struggle with. But if you have a list of everything you need to do and when it needs doing by you will get everything done.

Prioritizing will give you more time because you will become more efficient in everything that you need to do and that means you can do more great things.

If you need help with changing your life and living a greater level of happiness. Then check out my transformation program will you will learn lots of great things about life and how you can transform yours.

A part of that is prioritizing but in order to do that you need to have your head screwed on first and be fairly happy in life and put all the building blocks together in the first place.

So good luck in the future and I hope to see you soon, best wishes Scott


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