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Fun and Inspiring Family Gratitude Activities for All Ages

Practicing gratitude can have a profound impact on our lives, enhancing our mood, and improving our physical health. With Thanksgiving season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to incorporate gratitude into your family’s traditions. Whether you have young children, middle schoolers, or teenagers, there are plenty of fun and inspiring gratitude activities that the whole family can enjoy together. Let’s explore some creative ways to cultivate gratitude within your family.

Key Takeaways:

  • Foster gratitude within your family by engaging in fun and inspiring activities.
  • Activities like gratitude scavenger hunts, thankful crafts, and gratitude conversations are suitable for all ages.
  • Printable resources such as gratitude conversation starters and Thanksgiving worksheets can enhance the experience.
  • Encourage gratitude by incorporating gratitude practices into family traditions.
  • Raising grateful kids involves teaching them the value of expressing thanks and appreciating what they have.

Elementary School Gratitude Activities

Engaging elementary school children in gratitude activities can foster a sense of appreciation and teach them the value of expressing thanks. Here are some creative and fun gratitude exercises for families:

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Embark on a gratitude-filled adventure with a scavenger hunt! Create a list of items or experiences for your child to find that they are grateful for. It can be something as simple as a colorful leaf, a beautiful sunset, or a heartfelt smile. Encourage them to reflect on why they appreciate each discovery and discuss it as a family.

Thankful Turkey Craft

Get into the Thanksgiving spirit by making a thankful turkey craft. Cut out a turkey shape from colored paper and attach it to a popsicle stick or clothespin. Have your child write or draw things they are grateful for on each feather. It’s a fun and creative way for them to express their gratitude and create a visual reminder of all the blessings in their lives.

Gratitude Journaling

Encourage your child to keep a gratitude journal. Provide them with a notebook or decorative journal where they can write down three things they are grateful for each day. This simple practice can help them develop a habit of focusing on the positives in their lives and cultivate a grateful mindset.

Engaging elementary school children in gratitude activities can be a meaningful and enriching experience for the whole family. It promotes a sense of gratitude, strengthens family bonds, and cultivates a positive outlook on life.

Family Gratitude Activities for All Ages

Middle School Gratitude Activities

Middle school is a crucial time for children to develop a habit of gratitude. Here are some engaging activities that foster gratitude in middle school children and promote a positive mindset:

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

gratitude scavenger hunt is an interactive way for middle schoolers to appreciate the little things in life. Create a list of items related to gratitude, such as a colorful leaf, a kind word, or a beautiful sunset. Encourage your child to find these items and reflect on what they’re grateful for.

Gratitude Alphabet

The gratitude alphabet game encourages middle schoolers to think creatively and express gratitude for different aspects of their lives. Have your child come up with something they’re thankful for that starts with each letter of the alphabet. This activity helps them explore gratitude in various areas, from A to Z.

Gratitude HopscotchGrateful Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Create a hopscotch grid with squares that have words or phrases related to gratitude. When middle schoolers play hopscotch, they can land on a square and express why they are grateful for that particular word or phrase.Coloring pages can be a calming and meditative activity that also promotes gratitude. Provide your child with coloring pages featuring Thanksgiving-themed images and encourage them to reflect on what they’re thankful for as they color.

Gratitude Jar

A gratitude jar is a beautiful way for middle schoolers to visually appreciate the positive aspects of their lives. Have your child write down things they’re grateful for on slips of paper and place them in a jar. They can revisit these notes whenever they need a reminder of the things they value.

Engaging middle school children in gratitude activities can have a profound impact on their overall well-being and mindset. These activities cultivate an attitude of gratitude and help them develop a lifelong appreciation for the little blessings in life.

Gratitude Conversation Starters (Free Printable)

Engage your family in meaningful discussions about gratitude with these free printable conversation starters. By using these prompts, you can foster a sense of connection and appreciation within your family.

Here are some examples to get you started:

“What is one thing you are grateful for today?”

“Who is someone you are thankful to have in your life?”

“Share a moment that made you feel grateful recently.”

“What are three things you appreciate about yourself?”

“Describe something that always brings a smile to your face.”

Feel free to print out these conversation starters and cut them into individual cards. Place them in a jar or bowl, and take turns drawing a card during a family meal or dedicated gratitude time. Let the conversations flow as each person shares their thoughts and feelings of gratitude.

Additional Tips for Using Gratitude Conversation Starters

  • Encourage everyone to listen actively and respectfully when someone is speaking.
  • Ask open-ended follow-up questions to deepen the conversation.
  • Take the opportunity to express appreciation for each other’s contributions and perspectives.
  • Make it a habit to incorporate gratitude conversation starters into your family routine to build a strong foundation of appreciation and positivity.

Gratitude Skittles Game (Free Printable)

One of my favorite gratitude activities for kids is the Gratitude Skittles Game. This fun and interactive game not only encourages children to express gratitude but also provides a sweet treat. To play the game, you will need a bag of Skittles in various colors and the free printable game board.

Each color of Skittle represents a different gratitude prompt. For example, red can represent something you are grateful for about your friends, while green can represent something you are grateful for about nature. Take turns picking a Skittle from the bag and share something you are grateful for based on the color. It’s a simple and enjoyable way to engage the whole family in expressing gratitude.

The Gratitude Skittles Game not only helps children develop a thankful mindset but also strengthens family bonds as you share and celebrate the things you appreciate together. Download the free printable game board from the link below and enjoy this delightful activity with your family.

Download the Gratitude Skittles Game

Thankful Pumpkin

One of my favorite gratitude activities for kids is creating a Thankful Pumpkin. It’s a simple and meaningful way to express gratitude as a family and create a beautiful decoration for your home. To make a Thankful Pumpkin, you’ll need a pumpkin and some sharpies.

Start by gathering your family around the pumpkin and sharing what you’re grateful for. Each person can take turns using the sharpies to write down their blessings directly onto the pumpkin. It can be anything – big or small – that you appreciate in your life. Encourage everyone to be creative and express their gratitude in their own words.

Once you’ve finished writing, place the Thankful Pumpkin in a prominent place in your home, such as the dining table or mantel. Every time you see it, you’ll be reminded of the things you’re grateful for as a family. It’s a beautiful visual reminder of the power of gratitude.

an image of a pumpkin with a warm and welcoming vibe. The pumpkin should be prominently displayed in the center of the image, with its vibrant orange color standing out against a neutral background. The pumpkin should be decorated with various expressions of gratitude, such as colorful leaves, acorns, or small notes with messages of thanks. The overall feel of the image should convey a sense of warmth, happiness, and thankfulness.

Gratitude Table: Thankful Pumpkin

Family MemberWhat I’m Grateful For
MomThe love and support of my family
DadMy health and the opportunity to pursue my passions
SonSpending time with my friends and playing soccer
DaughterHaving a cozy home and cuddling with my pets

Creating a Thankful Pumpkin is a wonderful way to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your family. It promotes reflection, positivity, and appreciation. Take the time this Thanksgiving season to create your own Thankful Pumpkin and watch your family’s gratitude grow.

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt for the Family (Free Printable)

Engage the whole family in a gratitude scavenger hunt with our free printable. This activity is a fun and interactive way to foster gratitude and appreciation for the little things in life. Simply print out the scavenger hunt list and give each family member a copy. Set a time limit and see who can find and check off the most items on the list. Encourage everyone to reflect on why they are grateful for each item they find.

The scavenger hunt list includes a variety of items to find, such as a beautiful tree, a kind gesture, a handwritten note, and a moment of laughter. Use this opportunity to explore your neighborhood or even venture out to a nearby park. Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature and the kindness of others.

Once the scavenger hunt is complete, gather as a family to discuss the experience. Share your favorite moments, surprises, and insights. Use this time to deepen your family connections and express gratitude for the wonderful things you discovered together. You can also encourage each family member to write a short journal entry about their scavenger hunt experience, capturing their thoughts and feelings about the gratitude-filled adventure.

Table: Gratitude Scavenger Hunt List

A beautiful treeFind a tree that captivates you with its beauty. Take a moment to appreciate its presence.
A kind gestureWitness or receive a kind gesture from a stranger or a loved one. Reflect on the impact of kindness.
A handwritten noteDiscover a handwritten note, such as a thank-you card or a heartfelt message. Recognize the power of written words.
A moment of laughterExperience a moment of genuine laughter with your family or friends. Reflect on the joy it brings.

Embark on this gratitude-filled adventure with your family and create lasting memories. The scavenger hunt will not only bring you closer together but also deepen your appreciation for the small blessings that surround you every day.

Make a Thankful Jar

Incorporating a thankful jar into your family gratitude practice is a wonderful way to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and foster deeper connections with your loved ones. The thankful jar serves as a physical reminder of the blessings in your lives and provides an opportunity to reflect on the things you are grateful for.

Here’s how to create your own thankful jar:

  1. Find a clear jar or container that you can decorate.
  2. Gather colorful pieces of paper, small notecards, or sticky notes.
  3. Encourage each family member to write down things they are grateful for and place the notes in the jar.
  4. Set aside a specific time, such as Thanksgiving dinner, to read the notes as a family and express gratitude for the blessings mentioned.

Having a physical representation of gratitude can be a powerful reminder to appreciate the little things in life and shift our focus towards positivity. The thankful jar not only encourages gratitude but also provides a beautiful keepsake filled with heartfelt sentiments from each family member.

By incorporating this simple yet meaningful activity into your family routine, you can create a lasting tradition of gratitude and strengthen the bond between family members.

Fun Worksheets for the Kids Thanksgiving Table (Free Printable)

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s the perfect time to engage your little ones in gratitude and keep them entertained during the holiday festivities. These fun worksheets for the kids Thanksgiving table are a great way to encourage mindfulness and family gratitude practice.

a family gathered around a table, filled with Thanksgiving decorations and dishes. Some family members are holding crayons and coloring sheets, while others are playing a game of gratitude bingo or writing notes of thanks on colorful leaves. A turkey centerpiece is placed in the middle of the table, adding to the festive atmosphere. The room is bright and cozy, with warm lighting and comfortable seating for everyone. The image should capture the joy and togetherness of the holiday season.

These printable worksheets feature engaging activities that promote reflection and appreciation. From word searches to coloring pages, there is something for every child to enjoy. The worksheets also provide an opportunity for children to express what they are grateful for, fostering a sense of gratitude and thankfulness.

Here are some examples of the fun worksheets included:

  • A gratitude word search: Kids can search for words related to gratitude and thanksgiving, promoting vocabulary building and concentration skills.
  • A “What I’m Thankful For” coloring page: Children can color in pictures and write or draw what they are grateful for, allowing them to express their gratitude creatively.
  • A Thanksgiving crossword puzzle: Kids can test their knowledge of Thanksgiving traditions and vocabulary while actively engaging their minds.

These worksheets provide a valuable opportunity for children to reflect on what they appreciate and inspire meaningful conversations about gratitude at the Thanksgiving table. Simply print out the worksheets and place them at each child’s seat, ensuring a delightful and enriching experience for the whole family.

I am Grateful for Placemat

Enhance the Thanksgiving table with this delightful “I am Grateful for” placemat. Not only does it add a festive touch, but it also encourages meaningful conversations about gratitude. Displayed below is a sample design of the placemat:

I am Grateful for:Reason:
FamilyThey support and love me unconditionally.
NatureIt brings peace and beauty into my life.
HealthI am grateful for my well-being and the ability to enjoy life.
FriendsThey bring joy and laughter to my days.

Each family member can fill out their own placemat by writing down what they are grateful for in the left column and the reason behind their gratitude in the right column. This simple activity sparks deep reflection and reminds everyone of the blessings they have in their lives.

During Thanksgiving dinner, take a moment to share and discuss the placemats. It’s a beautiful way to express appreciation, strengthen family bonds, and inspire a culture of gratitude that extends beyond the holiday season. Use this free printable placemat to create a memorable and heartwarming Thanksgiving celebration.

Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World

Teaching gratitude to children is an essential aspect of raising grateful kids in a world that often promotes entitlement. By instilling gratitude in our children, we equip them with a valuable mindset that fosters appreciation and resilience. Here are some practical strategies to incorporate family gratitude practice and cultivate a sense of gratitude in your children:

Lead by Example

Children learn best by observing their parents’ behavior. As a parent, demonstrate gratitude in your everyday actions and conversations. Express your appreciation for even the smallest things, such as a beautiful sunset or a kind gesture from a neighbor. When children see gratitude modeled consistently, it becomes a natural part of their worldview.

Cultivate Gratitude Rituals

Create regular family gratitude rituals that allow everyone to reflect on the positive aspects of their lives. This could include a daily gratitude jar, where family members write down something they are grateful for and share it during mealtime. Alternatively, you can incorporate gratitude exercises into your bedtime routine, where each family member shares one thing they are grateful for from the day.

Encourage Acts of Kindness

Help your children understand the value of gratitude by encouraging acts of kindness towards others. Simple gestures like writing thank-you notes, helping a neighbor, or donating items to those in need can instill a sense of gratitude and empathy. Engaging in these acts as a family reinforces the importance of giving back and appreciating the blessings we have.

By prioritizing gratitude within your family, you lay the foundation for raising grateful kids who navigate the world with humility and appreciation. Teaching gratitude to children is a lifelong journey that starts with small, consistent actions. Embrace the opportunity to shape your children’s perspective and equip them with the invaluable trait of gratitude.

Top 5 Family-Friendly Gratitude Activities

Incorporating gratitude activities into your family traditions can be a meaningful way to celebrate Thanksgiving and cultivate an attitude of appreciation. Engaging in these activities together can create warm memories and strengthen the bond within your family. Here are the top 5 family-friendly gratitude activities to try:

1. Gratitude Conversation Starters

Spark meaningful discussions with your family by using gratitude conversation starters. These prompts encourage everyone to reflect on what they are grateful for and share their thoughts. It’s a wonderful opportunity to foster connection and deepen appreciation within your family.

2. Gratitude Skittles Game

Make gratitude fun with the gratitude skittles game. Assign different gratitude prompts to each color of skittles, and take turns picking them out of a bag. Each person can then share something they are grateful for based on the color they choose. It’s a simple yet enjoyable way to express gratitude and enjoy some sweet treats together.

3. Thankful Pumpkin

Decorate a pumpkin with your family and transform it into a “thankful pumpkin.” Use sharpies to write down what each family member is grateful for. Display the pumpkin as a visual reminder of gratitude and the blessings in your lives. It’s a creative and festive activity that encourages gratitude throughout the holiday season.

4. Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Engage the whole family in a gratitude scavenger hunt. Use a printable guide to find and appreciate the little things in life that we often overlook. This activity promotes mindfulness and helps everyone develop a greater appreciation for their surroundings.

5. Make a Thankful Jar

Create a thankful jar where family members can write down things they are grateful for on slips of paper. Place the notes inside the jar throughout the year. During Thanksgiving dinner, take turns reading the notes aloud and reflecting on the blessings in your lives. It’s a beautiful way to cultivate gratitude as a family.

Gratitude Conversation StartersPrompts to spark meaningful discussions about gratitude within the family.
Gratitude Skittles GameA fun game where different colors of skittles represent different gratitude prompts.
Thankful PumpkinDecorate a pumpkin with things your family is grateful for.
Gratitude Scavenger HuntA scavenger hunt to find and appreciate the little things in life.
Make a Thankful JarWrite down things you are grateful for and reflect on them together as a family.

Choose one or more of these gratitude activities and incorporate them into your family’s Thanksgiving celebration. Embrace the spirit of gratitude and create lasting memories that will foster a sense of appreciation all year round.


Practicing gratitude as a family and engaging in gratitude activities can have a profound impact on our lives. It not only enhances our well-being but also strengthens our relationships and creates lasting memories. Incorporating these fun and inspiring gratitude activities into your family traditions can cultivate a sense of appreciation and gratitude.

By actively participating in family gratitude activities, we can develop a stronger bond with our loved ones, fostering a nurturing and supportive environment. Whether it’s playing the gratitude skittles game, going on a gratitude scavenger hunt, or creating a thankful jar, these activities provide opportunities for family bonding and meaningful conversations.

Gratitude has the power to transform our perspective and bring more joy and fulfillment into our lives. By practicing gratitude together as a family, we cultivate an attitude of appreciation, kindness, and mindfulness. So let’s embrace these gratitude activities and create warm and loving memories with our loved ones. Let’s nurture a culture of gratitude and see how it positively impacts our lives.


What are some fun and inspiring gratitude activities for families?

Engage elementary school children in gratitude with activities like a gratitude scavenger hunt, thankful turkey craft, pumpkin pie spinner, gratitude-themed pickup sticks, turkey puppet show about gratitude, gratitude alphabet, gratitude hopscotch, thankful turkey coloring page, gratitude garland, gratitude reading, gratitude sphere, gratitude drawing prompts, thankful turkey wreath, thankfulness chain, Thanksgiving gratitude game, gratitude tree, gratitude flowers, gratitude stones, thank-you coloring pages. Involving middle school children in gratitude can be fun with activities like gratitude scavenger hunt, gratitude alphabet, gratitude hopscotch, grateful thanksgiving coloring pages, gratitude jar, gratitude journal, gratitude mobiles, roll the dice gratitude game, gratitude letter/email, clothespin gratitude wreath, jar full of thanks, gratitude collage/vision board, thankful nature walk, gratitude pumpkin, gratitude conversation starters, gratitude wall.

How can I engage my family in meaningful discussions about gratitude?

Use these free printable gratitude conversation starters to engage your family in meaningful discussions about what they are grateful for. This activity fosters a sense of connection and appreciation within the family.

What is the gratitude skittles game?

Play the gratitude skittles game with your family using a bag of skittles. Each color represents a different gratitude prompt. It’s a fun and easy way to express gratitude and enjoy some candy together.

How can I create a reminder of gratitude for my family?

Decorate pumpkins with the things your family is grateful for. Use sharpies to write down what each person is thankful for and display the pumpkins as a reminder of gratitude.

How can I incorporate gratitude into a family scavenger hunt?

Engage the whole family in a gratitude scavenger hunt. Use this free printable to find and appreciate the little things in life that we can be grateful for.

How can I encourage gratitude throughout the year?

Create a thankful jar where family members can write down things they are grateful for. Read the notes during Thanksgiving dinner to reflect on the blessings in your lives.

How can I keep my kids busy with gratitude activities at the Thanksgiving table?

Keep kids busy and encourage gratitude at the Thanksgiving table with these free printable worksheets. They provide an opportunity for children to share what they are grateful for.

How can I add a festive touch to the Thanksgiving table with gratitude?

Add a festive touch to the Thanksgiving table with this printable placemat that prompts kids to think about what they are grateful for. It sparks gratitude discussions and adds to the festive atmosphere.

How can I teach my children about gratitude?

Use these positive parenting tips from the book “Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World” to instill gratitude in your children. Teach them the value of expressing thanks and appreciating what they have.

What are the top 5 family-friendly gratitude activities for Thanksgiving?

Try these top 5 family-friendly gratitude activities to celebrate Thanksgiving and cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Activities include gratitude conversation starters, gratitude skittles game, thankful pumpkin, gratitude scavenger hunt, and making a thankful jar.

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