Cellulitis is a painful and debilitating condition to have to live with, and many people may not be aware of its signs and complications. So, in this post, we will cover everything you need to know about cellulitis, the signs to look out for, and treatments that are currently available for it. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.
What Is Cellulitis?
Cellulitis infection occurs when there is a skin infection below the top layer of skin known as the epidermis. It is usually caused when bacteria are allowed to enter the skin through a graze, cut, or dry and cracked skin.
The sit of the infection then develops the symptoms of cellulitis. Although the initial infection is not immediately serious and can be easily treated, it can become more dangerous if left untreated.
What Are The Signs Of Cellulitis?
Signs of cellulitis include hot, red, swollen, and painful skin. Although it can occur anywhere on the body, it commonly occurs on the hands, legs, and feet. However, it can also occur more seriously in the eye, turning the white area of the eye surrounding the iris to become red and swollen.
There may also be blisters that occur on the skin surrounding the infected areas, and your glands may become swollen due to your body attempting to fight off the infection. You may also develop a temperature and feel generally unwell.
Who Is Most At Risk Of Developing Cellulitis?
A few factors can make people become more at risk of developing cellulitis. For example, those that already have a weakened immune system that may struggle to fight off infections on their own. Those that have open wounds from accidents, surgery, or drug-taking. If you have already experienced cellulitis, then you may also be at higher risk of it occurring again. Those who suffer from conditions such as lymphedema are also more likely to develop cellulitis. If you have poor mobility or you have poor circulation anywhere in your body, this can also be a risk factor.

What Treatments Are Available For Cellulitis?
The treatments for cellulitis include a course of antibiotics to fight off the infection. The type of antibiotics and how they will be administered will depend on the severity of the infection and the stage at which you seek treatment. Antibiotics are usually to be taken for a week but may be extended if the infection has not completely cleared at the end of the initial course. Antibiotics may also be given to you to take in a lower dose over a longer period of time to prevent the infection from returning. In more severe cases, you may be sent to the hospital for stronger and more urgent treatment to prevent the infection from causing further danger and damage.
Are There Steps You Can Take To Help Cope With Cellulitis?
Aside from receiving medical treatment for cellulitis, there are also some other methods you can use yourself to help make it more comfortable and ease symptoms. For example, simple at-home painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can help ease the pain and raise the affected body part such as an arm or leg, which will help reduce the likelihood of painful swelling. It’s important to make sure you stay hydrated to help your body to fight the infection and speed up the healing time. Getting plenty of rest is also important to help your body save energy for fighting off the infection.
How Can You Prevent Cellulitis?
There are ways to help prevent the likelihood of developing cellulitis in the first place by reducing the risk of infection through hygiene. For example, reducing the opportunity for bacteria to enter the skin by keeping wounds and cracks in the skin clean. Keeping the skin moisturised and hydrated reduces the chance of skin breaking and allowing infections to enter the body. If you do have cuts on your body, then be sure to regularly wash them out and apply antiseptic cream. Covering cuts with plasters and the right protective clothing such as gloves or waterproof shoes also helps to stop bacteria from entering wounds.
Can Cellulitis Cause Serious Complications?
As cellulitis is an infection, if it does not receive the correct treatment soon enough, it can spread to other areas of the body, which can cause more serious complications. If the infection is allowed to reach the blood, bones, organs, or muscles, it can make you very seriously unwell. If you develop symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness and confusion, fainting, fever, or rapid heart rate, you need to seek emergency medical attention and ring 999 or go to A&E for emergency treatment.