If you’re living with anxiety it can be overwhelming and can make even day-to-day life feel impossible. If you suffer from anxiety and you’re finding it hard to cope with it, there are a number of options you have to try and improve it and live a happier life.
Keep reading to find out what these are, and discover tips on improving life with an anxiety disorder.
Causes Of Anxiety
There are many causes and potential triggers for anxiety. It can be something you’re genetically predisposed to and deal with your entire life, or something you develop due to a specific event. Anxiety itself also takes different forms such as:
- Generalised anxiety disorder- which can make life in general quite difficult
- Social anxiety- which makes meeting new people or being in social settings hard to cope with
- PTSD- anxiety caused from having experienced a traumatic event
- OCD- a compulsive disorder very closely linked to anxiety and intrusive thoughts
- Panic Disorders- panic attacks due to a build-up of overwhelming anxiety
- Phobias- developing anxiety regarding a particular fear or situation

As these different forms of anxiety can be caused for any number of reasons, it’s important for people seeking treatment to have tailored, individual support to help them work through their anxiety.
Treatments For Anxiety
Some of the most common treatments for anxiety include medications and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT involves identifying negative behavioral patterns that could be affecting your anxiety and making it worse. When you’re receiving CBT you’ll have any negative behavior patterns identified by a mental health professional, and they will then assist you in how to break the cycle of behavior to improve your anxiety.
Counselling is another great tool in helping you to overcome your anxiety. Counselling involves talking to a trained professional or psychologist who will help to identify potential triggers for your anxiety and why you feel the way you do. They will be able to give you emotional support and help you to understand why you are suffering from anxiety. They can then offer ways to help you overcome it, and coping strategies to get through bad episodes. Many people find that even just having someone neutral to talk about their worries and mental struggles with helps them to feel better and more understood, as it’s not always easy to talk to the people in your life if they don’t understand anxiety disorders.
Using CBD Products
In recent times, CBD has become incredibly popular and used by many for its anxiety-reducing properties and calming effects. It’s frequently used by those that suffer from anxiety, depression, ADHD, and ADD. It can be a good option to use if you have social anxiety and you’re about to be in a situation where you have to meet new people. Or if you are finding it difficult to sleep at night due to insomnia, it can help your brain to relax enough to allow you to drift off to sleep. There are a few different options to choose from when it comes to CBD oil in the UK, from balms and creams to gummies and food. However, the most popular and quickest form is CBD oil. You can either place a few drops under your tongue or mix a few drops into food. The dosage you use will depend on the level of effect you want it to have, so make sure to look into the right dosage for you before taking any.
Allow Others To Support You
If you’re struggling to cope with anxiety, it becomes very easy for you to simply shut yourself off from the world and refuse help. But if you have people around you that want to offer their support, you should let them. It will help you to recover from your anxiety and give them the opportunity to have a better understanding of what you’re going through.
Exercise And The Great Outdoors
One of the simplest ways to help alleviate your anxiety is by stepping out of the house and getting into nature. The combination of exercise, open space and green surroundings will all help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and calm your mind. Nature has been found to have positive effects on those suffering from a range of mental health problems and is great for your physical health too.
Mindfulness is a practice of switching off your brain to the outside world and focusing intently on the present moment. It can be difficult to master at first for anyone, but particularly those with anxiety and other conditions such as ADHD. However, if you take the time to keep practicing, you too can discover the benefits it has to offer. It’s a great tool to use if you’re becoming overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, or when you feel a panic attack coming on.